Thursday, April 26, 2012

day 4

my thoughts today:

...i could really use some chocolate or zucchini or chocolate zucchini cake

...i've lost all ability to be creative probably because my food is so boring

...i'm hungry and didn't pack enough roasted sweet potatoes

...water, water, water

...26 more days feels like an eternity

...why didn't i just say i'd do each area for a week? soon to california where i have given myself permission, i mean grace, to cheat?

....i have a feeling i'm supposed to feel this way

...did you know some people don't know how to use an oven or a toilet?  they are trying to get to america for a better life and their idea of a better life is what we americans see as disgraceful??

...i think i am either breaking or having a mental breakdown

...back to work i go

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


oh sweet potato - how i have come to love thee:)

i apologize for my random thoughts here, but well, i like random!

so day 1 came and went.  it wasn't too bad other than my intense headache from likely sugar withdrawal, the intense desire to fight the headache with the dark chocolate in my freezer, and the questions i threw at myself.

but day 2 dawned with a fresh perspective.  i had survived!  day 2 was easier food wise.  i've eaten potatoes (i can never decide if  potatoes should have an "e" or not!) and lots of spinach and berries.  i'm learning just how much i like to doctor my foods.  i also learned that i miss vegetables which if you have known me for long, you know that vegetables were never on my plate for the first 23 years of my life!

last night we had curry chicken with rice.  mine was a bit bland (the 3 spice ingredients), but still rather tasty.  along with spinach salad and apples.  i decided to make ahead roasted potatoes with chicken for today.  i ate most of it last night when it came out of the oven.  who knew sweet potatoes could be so amazing!

i'm hungry.  truly hungry at meals.

but God is beginning to break my heart.  i can honestly say that i've viewed His world a bit different in only 2 1/2 days.  i even feel a bit more relaxed.  i had a sweet time at home tomorrow morning and felt like i was hearing God better than before.  it was sweet enough to fill me.

i made cookies yesterday - i didn't have one lick or one warm cookie and you know what?  i didn't even dwell on it!

we really do have a lot.  

energy balls and broccoli - i can't wait to be reunited with you!!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

in the beginning...

for the past 6 months (or 3 years if i'm honest!) i have felt a weird sort of nudge from God. one that leaves me with more questions than answers and frankly a bit scared. three months ago i heard about this lady named jen hatmaker and her book 7. something about it settled deep into my heart. i would chat with God about it from time to time. a few weeks ago a dear friend brought it up to me. she lives half-way across the country and i miss her deeply. she asked me to do it with her then sent me the book. how can i resist that - especially since i had not talked with her about the book?

most people think i'm crazy and that is okay. she doesn't, well atleast not most of the time! but today we begin this journey. for the next 30 days i will be eating only certain foods. i'm not going as crazy as jen does with 7, but after two weeks of thinking about it and praying through it here is where i landed: 10

nuts (mostly almonds)
whole grain bread

as far as spices: i've allowed myself up to 3 spices (no ketchup, mustard, bbq, etc) and i can have one salad dressing for the whole month.

so why? well, honestly the subtitle of the book is "a mutiny against excess" and frankly i need to experience a bit of that myself. you see, when we got married we set out to live a simple life. i think i've gotten a little bit away from that. i once had about 10-12 meals and i rotated between them. now, i set out to make a monthly meal plan and make sure to not repeat a meal. do you know the stress i create for myself, not to mention the time i spend on creating it when i could be playing a game with my kiddos? or the grocery budget that is probably higher than what it should be so that i can treat my family to this amazing month of creative and unique meals?

i'm also hoping that i am able to view things a bit differently. maybe a wee bit more like God might. i'm not very good at completing these kind of tasks and i have 7 months of this ahead of me. i'm hoping to experience freedom in Christ and freedom from the "american dream" that grabs hold of us and doesn't let go.

here i intend to pop in and journal...feel free to join me if you'd like:)