Monday, September 10, 2012

epic fail

soo.....i have to confess one week into this and i'm a total failure.  okay, maybe not totally, but i have caved one, or two or three or four or five too many times. 

i'm not sure why this particular area seems so hard, but i'm learning i must have an addiction in there somewhere.  or insecurity.  or something. 

i think this fast would be easier with my family doing it too.  i think it would be easier if my job didn't require a computer at all.

i'm also eager for this month to end and embrace whatever comes next.

i'm also eager and willing to admit my failure and not lie about it.  do i get a few bonus points for not lying?

i have gotten a lot more work done.  i have spent more time relaxed.  even though i feel the need to check facebook the world still keeps on spinning.  fancy that!? 

pinterest...i miss thee. 

one week down.  3 to go.  here's hoping for a better reliance on God.....


  1. Thanks for your honesty in this and the previous post, Chris. Will be praying for you, particularly that you sense God's presence and leading over the next three weeks. I am challenged by your witness, even in the midst of "failure." I know the media one would be the hardest for me! Peace to you ... Mandy

  2. You aren't a failure if you are recognizing and looking for God in it Chris! He made you and He doesn't make failures :) Keep on keeping on and I'll pray for God to work on you and in you. Love you and your honesty!
